Showing posts with label DBMS (DATA and DATABASE). Show all posts
Showing posts with label DBMS (DATA and DATABASE). Show all posts

Friday, May 29, 2020


What is data ?

Data is a collection of a distinct small unit if information. it can be used in a verity of forms like text, numbers, media, bytes etc. It can be stored in pieces of paper or electronic memory etc.

Word  'Data'  is Originated from the word 'datum' that means 'single piece of information' . It is plural of the word datum.

In computing , Data is Information that can be translated into a form for efficient movement and processing. Data is interchangeable.

What is Database ?

Database is an organized collection of data that can be easily stored, Accessed and managed . we can also say a database is a data structure that stores organized information.

You can Organize data into tables, Rows, Columns, and index it to make it easier to find relevant information. 

For an example, a company database may include tables for products, employees and Financial records.Each of these tables would have different fields that are relevant to the information stored in the table. 

There are many  Databases available like MySQL, Sybase, Oracle, MongoDB, Informix, PostgreSQL, SQL server  etc. 

What Is DBMS (Database Management System) ? 

A Database management system (DBMS) is system software for Creating and Managing Database. A DBMS makes it possible for end users to create,read, update and delete data in a database. The DBMS essentially severs as an interface between database and end users or applications programs, ensuring that data is consistently organized and remains easily accessible.

Database Management system also aims to facilitate an overview of the database, by providing a verity of administrative operation such as tuning, performance monitoring and backup Recovery.

Database management systems allow users to do the following: 
  • Define Data – Allows the users to create, modify and delete the definitions which define the organization of the database.
  • Update Data – Provides access to the users to insert, modify and delete data from the database.
  • Retrieve Data – Allows the users to retrieve data from the database based on the requirement.
  • Administration of users – Registers the users and monitors their action, enforces data security, maintains data integrity, monitors performance and deals with concurrency control.

Evolution of Database

The Database has completed more than 50 years of Journey of its evolution from flat-file system to relational and objects relational system.

The Evolution (Types of DBMS)

Flat File:

1968 was the year when File-Based Database were introduced. In File-Based Databases, data was maintained in a flat file. Though files have many advantage, there are several limitations. 

One of the major advantage is that the file system has various access methods. e.g. Sequential, indexed, and random.

It requires Extensive programming in a third-generation language such as COBOL,BASIC. 

Hierarchical Database Model:

1968-1980 was the era of the Hierarchical database. Prominent hierarchical database model was IBM's First DBMS. It was Called IMS (Information Management System)

Below Diagram Represents Hierarchical data Model. Small Circle Represents Objects.

Network Database Model:

Charles Bachman developed the first DBMS at Honeywell called Integrated Data store (IDS). It Was Developed in the early 1960s, But it was Standardized in 1971 by the CODASYL group (Conference on Data System Language)

In this model, Files are related as owners and members, like to the common network model.

Network Data Model Identified the Fallowing components:

  • Network schema (Database organization)
  • Sub-schema (views of database per user)
  • Data management language (Procedural) 
This Model also had some limitations like system complexity and difficult to design and maintain.

Relational Database model:

1970-Present: It is the era of Relational Database and database management. In 1970, the Relational model was proposed by E.F. Codd.

It can be defined using two relationship:

Instance : A table with rows and columns.
Schema : specifies the structure (Name if relation, Name and type of each column)

Relational Database Properties 
  • Atomicity
  • Consistency
  • Integrity
  • Durability

Ease of use because of ROWS and COLUMNS.
Flexibility with respect to manipulation by operators such as project and join.
Precision sue to the manipulation of the relations between the tables ensures that there is not ambiguity.


Machine Performance in case of large number of joins.
Physical Storage consumption.
Slow Extraction of data.

The Object-Oriented Databases:

The object-oriented databases contains data in the form of  object and Classes. Objects are the real world entity, and types are the collection of Object. An Object-Oriented database is a combination of relational model features with object oriented principles. It is an alternative implementation to that of the relational model.

Object-oriented Database model contains the fallowing properties.
  • Objects
  • Classes
  • Inheritance
  • Polymorphism
  • Encapsulations   

 Thank you !!  I Hope you will find this article informative.